Our Process


Family advocacy

Children, and non-offending caregivers, may need support and services during the abuse investigation process.

Through on-site staffing and partnerships with Safe Harbors of the Finger Lakes and the Victim Witness Coordination Program of the District Attorney’s Offices, we can provide crisis support and ongoing support to children and their non-offending caregivers.

Trained advocates will work with your family to help you to understand the process and to assist you with obtaining the necessary services and support to help your child and family.


Child forensic interviews

We provide a child-friendly environment where trained professionals can perform forensic interviews. (These neutral, fact-finding interviews would otherwise be conducted in an uncomfortable setting.)

By providing age-appropriate rooms for forensic interviews to investigate allegations of child abuse, we can help minimize additional trauma to children.


Referral to counseling

It is very common for counseling to be recommended for children when they may have been sexually or physically abused.

Counseling can be offered in many formats to fit a child’s needs and is beneficial because it can enhance the process of healing.

Counseling may also be helpful for non-offending caregivers, parents, or other siblings in the household.

The Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes has partnered with several mental health providers who have specialized training on how to provide therapeutic counseling for children who might have been sexually or physically abused.

Additionally, the Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes can provide resources to children and families for other trauma-related services in the area.